Saturday, February 18, 2006

My Birthday !!

My birthday was great. I went to two places to search for my birthday present. I went to Jurong Point and Bukit Timah Shopping Centre. When I went to Jurong Point , I couldn't choose which thing to choose. I went to many shops. The next day, I went to Bukit Timah Shopping Centre. I went to a shop called Kyosho which sold fine R/C machines. I chose a remote controled car which was a Nissan Skyline. The car was super fast and had great turning and that car was my birthday present.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Stay Over

Just this Friday, I got to stay over at Akmal's house during the weekend. It was just great. First thing I did there is play on the computer. I played at many diffenrent websites like runescape and mofunzone. I did not go to the swimming pool as I did not bring my swimming suit. Mostly, I played on the Xbox with Khairul and Akmal. We played Starwars Jedi Knights, Starwars Battlefront , Spongebob Lights, Camera, Pants and Halo 2. The next day, I went to Sofra with Khairul, Akmal and his family. It was great.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Oh Dear , Oh Dear

Oh dear oh dear. Last week I had just lost my swimming goggles. It was after my weekly swimming lessons. It was a shock that I lost my goggles and I think I left it on the bench there before I went playing in the water. I didn't realised I lost my goggles until I reached home. I tried finding them at home but I did not find them. Then, I gave up. I searched everywhere and everysingle room in the house and didn,t find anything. Thats when I thought I left it at the swimming complex.