Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hari Raya Aidilfitri

This is the day that I have been waiting for the whole month. I got to go to my relatives houses and play and get some money. So far, I have got around a hundred dollars. I have gone to the houses on my mother's side but not my father's,yet

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Exams Are coming!!!!

I just had oral exams last week. It was a fine and sunny morning but on a bad occasion. I was second so I did not have time to ask my friend about the picture. Then the moment of terror came. When I was tested, I couldn't help but mumble all ther way. THe picture was a zookeeper scolding a boy for feeding the monkeys with peanuts and the boy' mum running. I am worried about my marks but I can only wish for the best.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

the trip to the zoo

Just the last 2 days , the school organised a field trip to the zoo for the primary 4. I didn't get to eat as I was fasting. I was lucky that it wasn't a hot day or I would have been soooooo thirsty.My favourite was the white tiger. There was a goat following us almost all the way.It was a fun and memorable experience.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Children day Celebration

My school just celebrated Children's day last two days ago although it isn't the actual day yet because it is on a Sunday. As it is on the same day as recycling day, everyone needed to have a stamp to get a prize if you win the game . You can get 1 stamp by giving 1kg of newspaper,5 cans,5 bottles or 3 cd holders. I did not have any of the follo9wing materials but who cares, its already over.